Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cuases Of Fluid At The Pouch Of Douglas

With momentum through the day

Need a little time every morning to see the day in the eye? Then try it again with the following exercises. You can they do in the morning in bed or on the sofa and pretend no effort on something for your circulation and also for stomach, legs and buttocks.

  • make merry The Laying on his back, legs up and go for 2 to 3 minutes in the air wheel. Slowly increase the tempo and take turns back and forth. Laying on your back and bend your legs:
  • for back and stomach. Place both legs simultaneously to the right, leave a moment so, then the other side and repeat 5 times.
  • for buttocks and thighs: Place on the right side, legs straight. Slowly lift left leg up and lower them again, repeat 10 times, then turn to the other side.
If you are in the professional majority suggests, the chronic lack of exercise not only the muscles relax, you are also lazy and tired. You are therefore in your office life for a little more momentum and treat yourself now and then a pause energy, which also makes the head again. Use your lunch break, not only for going to the canteen, but do a little sprint around the block, the best in any weather. So does the lose weight well. Leave the Elevator in the future are left and take the stairs, even, or especially when it comes to the fourth floor. In the office you can do little exercises that meet a free wall or a door

  • With his back against the door or wall sit, feet in the distance of about 30 cm up. Slowly to the wall down into a crouch slide until your thighs are parallel to the ground, thereby tighten stomach and buttocks. Slowly push back up and stretch legs.


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