Sunday, January 27, 2008

Slr Camera Bags Women

Alleine Zu Zweit

the end of truth At the end of the light at the end of love

At the end - you stand
(The heart empties - there goes a part of me)
did not survive
We have silence us have long separated
And with each passing day "we" have
grew the lie of our love
And the further we can move together went
The further we are apart

Lonely - together
We have forgotten how to find us a new The habit of nebulized

The inertia
stifled by the pride makes drunk driving
And the proximity to flee

Dance - my life - dance Dance with me

dance with me again
into the pure flush of naked love

And if I / him look so
If I do / experience it
If I watch us
Something has survived
And if I find strength and hope, would find
If I myself still believe in us would
If I could be / achieve it
you him / her again for me would
If the base - our foundation If we were to discover
us once again
If he / she just wanted
I will!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Top 3ccdprosumer Camcorders

a good you have a vision?

Clip Art For Fleas And Ticks

at work

© Oskari Hellman

Monday, January 21, 2008

Does Oral B Sonic Work

vovansystems @ 2008-01-21T22: 12:00

Friday, January 18, 2008

Offer Letter For A Car

Chechnya - The final solution

Chechnya - The final solution

found an interesting book on the web « Chechnya - The final solution », which is illustrated by telling what's going on lately in Ichkeria (Chechnya).

children, women and people with weak minded view information on this link should not

PS I do not want to say that by the Chechens, or those who supposedly stands on their side is not done srashnyh things, but when is happening, then maybe it's worth something to think?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pros And Cons Of Strip Search At Airport

Macworld 2008

live broadcast. for the timely napamin thanks [info] lodar

UPD - view zpatstula

Monday, January 14, 2008

How Many People Are Affected By Chicken Pox

vovansystems @ 2008-01-14T23: 46:00

if anyone interested, there are rumors that [info] dread__knight came under karapatyvnyya rails, where his mangled and now he is no longer megaadmin in a sweater, a shaven and tonsured mistser Thomas A. Andersan who chooses to Zhdnah curtains, which are in harmony with yagonyay sofa ...

Multiple Images On Lcd Screen


help razrulit question : Do you remember your ICQ number?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Instrukcje Obsługi Slv

educational program on the U.S. political parties

all wealthy Americans - Republicans and the middle class and Nigeria - the Democrats. once a person rises above the middle, and becomes wealthy, he is a Republican. it was so shall it be.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Antonio Salazar Dictator

vovansystems @ 2008-01-07T22: 26:00

nestsisya at night under the lights and dance music to Pink Floyd to swim in the black water of the Minsk Sea and bask in red wine. are holding and hugging her the meaning of life and feel as time floats around. smoke in the kitchen welcoming rassvet intervals blinds. remove all not get .

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Initiation, Ideas, School


Моя будусчая жена 18,79 КБ

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

What Is Causing My Upper Back Pain

vovansystems @ 2008-01-01T23: 49:00


- "Why wind whirls in the gully, sheet and dust podemlet bears? "
- Differential pressure.
- Sit down, two.


man. citizen, you can not tell how to get k. .. (whispers in his ear.)
CITIZEN. It's here. Take their turn.
man (in terror). It's all to it?
CITIZEN. To her, to her ...
VOICE out of the room. Sent to ... mother in March last year - go on ... !


© Victor Shendorovich