Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Celeteque Or Cetaphil

Forbidden love

Here is a story I wrote in a summer camp. All pasierte he described as only a happy ending's not there: Have fun reading
(Please excuse my spelling mistakes!) When!

(caution) Forbidden love

It happened mid-summer, somewhere in the forests of Germany. It was not warm and sunny as the last 3 years that she spent the Fehri here. It was cold and rainy ... And she was plagued by the thoughts of uncertainty and the unknown. At one time was a friend not just a friend ...

She ran down the stairs of the Waldhäusl . They got little air, it was hot ... She saw the front door and ran out ...

The rain dripped softly down the roof. ˝ Why is it so hard? ˝, she asked herself, why had ˝ it come to this? ˝ She leaned against the door and looked into the gray sky.

two beautiful blue eyes, a gentle - man's face, goatee, long blonde hair ... The man's face you could not get out of my head, she saw it everywhere ... And when their eyes had met, she got the feeling like sinking into a warm, suffocating the sea ... She had to pull themselves together very much, he could not remember what he meant her ...

The rain soaked her face and she closed her eyes. She breathed deeply and smelled the freshness of the rain ... The cold was so good, who also began to shake her body ... Her clothes were getting wet, but you did not care ... it reminded her of him ...

The water ran down his back as he emerged from the pool. The water droplets on his muscles glistened in the sun. He raised his long hair and looked in her direction ...

She opened her eyes. The sky was still gray and cold. Her heart was pounding like crazy, they could not do anything about it. Just a quick thought and she was lost. The rain was getting weaker and quiet ... ˝ What should I do? I've fallen in love with someone who feels probably not for me ... How should I interpret his actions then? ˝ she asked herself and soaked from the rain.

She walked down the hall, when she suddenly because of stopped trickling of water in the bathroom. A sweet smell came through the door gap. She walked slowly into the squat and peeped through the keyhole. The first thing she saw his clothes - pants, shirt, socks and his boxers . Her breath: ˝ Can it really be that he just takes a shower ˝ Her hands began to tremble, her heart beating wildly!. They soaked back einbisschen, had some time to get deep breath. She summoned all her courage, and went back and looked closer to the right - in the direction of the shower. Your was hot and dizzy. His naked body all wet ... Everything was visible, and whom it was much as the first einbischen for them, he liked her better with every moment ... You could not ... She wanted him! Here and now! She must just push the door handle down. But she could not allow something so ... it was forbidden ...

The sky was getting blacker colder and the air forever. She sat in the corner by the door and read their thoughts to flow more ...

It was a hot summer evening, and all were gathered in the common room . He played poker with his friends and they sat next to him. His beer bottle was half empty when she could not take his hair apart. This was actually very surprising. He allowed only a few such things to make. She stroked it gently, but with very great caution. It gave her quite a pounding heart, shaky hands and a feeling of suffocation. swarmed in her head, it only seems like it thought, ˝ he look fantastic ... I think not ... I know I love him ... What would I give for a kiss ... It would be only on the cheek, so fleeting ... he does not need to remember ... ˝ Her hand slid slowly down his cheek ... ˝ I? Or should not I? As he well ? Would you react ˝ her head slowly moved in his direction: ˝ What a fragrance ... you ˝ closed her eyes, almost touching his face, but then stopped quickly. Something drew her back: ˝ it will all but see how I feel! We are not alone! ˝ Her head was back to the original position ...

She began again to stroke his hair. It did not seem as if he had noticed what. It looked as though he would not even notice, but in some moments he seemed completely absent and in thought to be ... But not because of the game. It almost seemed like he would enjoy it, but he showed his feelings so rare ...

The rain cleared and slowly read through the clouds, the stars were slowly being revealed ... They gave her a sense of security , but also of loneliness ... They were kind of like it - within reach but yet so far ... But what could she do? It would be to admit him even worse than suicide! And if the others would learn there would be major problems. The love between a supervisor and an PARTI was illegal and was punished with expulsion!

She sighed and bit her in the lip and shook his head: So I may ˝ do not think! I have to risk it! But I only have one chance ... It must work! ˝ wanted you to get up, determined to make him go and tell it when the door opened to her. A cocoa, a blanket and he came and looked in her direction. "Here, you must be cold, as long as you're sitting here already, he put the blanket around her shoulders, gave her the cocoa and sat down beside her. "I think we need to talk about something." She froze ... Not only that he knew where she was, he even seemed concerned. Was not she do not care?

He spied them first and then the distance from the star. Her heart beat burst, wanted. Hundreds of thoughts swarmed at once in her head. . 'I think we both know how you look at me "He turned toward her:" Did the deeper reason you "and looked into his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, and turned his gaze away then:" Yes, "whispered them in a shaky voice. His hand gently touched her chin and turned her head in his direction. His lips touched hers. Her heart stopped, but soon began to beat again. She closed her eyes and returned the kiss.

After a few seconds, he broke the kiss and looked deep into her eyes: "What shall we do? It will be kept secret can be quite difficult. She could not believe what just happened. Was that a confession? She wanted to be sure: "Does that mean you feel it too as I do? He sat on a small smile. "I would think so," you could not. She threw herself into his arms. He smiled even more and pulled her close to him. "But if something right to be with us, it must know not!" She nodded in agreement and snuggled up to him even more ...


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